- Choice of Therapy for Refractive Disorder. Refractive disorder is one of the most common visual disturbances experienced by the world population. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately 153 million people worldwide experience visual impairment, and 42% are caused by an uncorrected refractive disorder, followed by 33% cataract and 2% glaucoma. While the amount of 18% can not be determined and 1% is a visual impairment since childhood.
Refractive disturbance itself is one of the refraction of light that can not be focused on the retina even though the medium of refraction is clear.
According to dr. Zoraya Ariefia Feranthy, SpM, there are various kinds of refractive disorders. "The most commonly found disorder is myopia, the shadow of a distant object focusing in front of the retina on an unaccommodated eye. Hyperopia or Hyperopia or farsightedness is an eye refractive disorder in which the shadow of the incoming rays of the eye falls behind the retina and Astigmatism is a visual disturbance caused by abnormalities in the curvature of the lens or cornea resulting in distorted or blurred views, "said dr. Zoraya, on Monday (30/4/2018) ago.
This visual impairment certainly has a negative impact on daily activities that require vision function. With reduced vision function can certainly result in a decrease in a person's ability to do his job.
Furthermore, dr. Zoya says that refractory beauty can be overcome by the use of glasses, lens contact and refractive surgery, including LASIK, TRANS-PRK, PRK, and Clear lens extraction.
LASIK is a laser assisted keratomileusis that combines the method of making a flap (thin film) on the cornea and laser to alter the curvature of the cornea, so that the refractive error can be corrected. "While TRANS-PRK is an innovative advanced method in laser surgery where there is no touch to the cornea by any device other than the laser. Meanwhile, PRK or photorefractive keratectomy is a method by removing epithelium cells or clear layers on the surface of the eye and repairing corneal tissue by laser, and Clear lens extraction or CLE is a clear crystalline lens removal method, "he said.
On the same occasion, dr. Sohia Pujiastuti, SpM (K), MM, Founder & Opthalmologist SILC Lasik Cenger at Klinik Mata Cahaya Tijar explained that lasik is a refractive surgery technology that can improve the quality of life because after doing LASIK action the patient no longer depend on the tools (glasses or contact lenses ).
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However, there are terms and criteria before LASIK, ie Myopia: -1.00 to 12.00 D, Astigmatism: -1.00 D to 5.00 D, Hypermetropia: +1.00 D to +4.00 D, correction of stable refractive disorder (6-12 months).
"In addition the patient must be aged over 18 years because the size of refraction correction or the size of glasses has not been stable, so it is feared will appear refractive error / size of new glasses after LASIK. Patients are also required not to be pregnant or breastfeeding and there are no abnormalities or health problems, especially eye health such as cataracts, glaucoma, infections or problems with the retina, "said dr. Sophia.
Choice of Therapy for Refractive Disorder
Reviewed by Hollisteristic
Saturday, May 12, 2018