60 Years of Blood Donating, This Man Helps More than 2 Million Babies

Roseous.com - 60 Years of Blood Donating, This Man Helps More than 2 Million Babies. James Harrison has donated his blood for the last 60 years. Unlike the usual donors, James's blood has special antibodies that can be life-saving drugs called Anti-D. This antibody is then given to pregnant women to reduce the risk of death in unborn babies.

 60 Years of Blood Donating, This Man Helps More than 2 Million Babies

Quoted from CBS News, the Australian Red Cross conferred the title of "man with golden hands" for James because of his willingness to donate blood more than 1,100 times in his life. However, on Friday, May 11, 2018 and then, James officially 'retired' and do blood donation for the last time.

Rather than want to do this noble action, James's age has reached the maximum limit for donating blood in Australia. Although the record of donating blood looks remarkable, James actually hopes there is a record-breaking so that there are more people who can be helped.

When he was 14 years old, James underwent a major surgical procedure and needed a blood transfusion to save his life. This is what then encouraged him to do blood donor action in order to help the lives of others since the age of 18 years. The funny thing is, James is actually afraid of needles.

A decade later, doctors discovered there was something unique in James's blood, which is a special antibody that can be made as an Anti-D immunoglobin, a shot that can fight rhesus, a health problem that can make a baby die in the womb.

Hearing the fact that his blood can be very useful for many people, James was increasingly eager to do blood donation. This earned him the title of Medal of the Order of Australia in 1999.

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The Australian Red Cross praised James as a man who was able to pass on the good for many people around the world.
60 Years of Blood Donating, This Man Helps More than 2 Million Babies  60 Years of Blood Donating, This Man Helps More than 2 Million Babies Reviewed by Hollisteristic on Sunday, May 13, 2018 Rating: 5
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