5 This Trusted Health Myth Is Incorrect

Roseous.com5 This Trusted Health Myth Is IncorrectOver the centuries, many health myths have emerged in society. Some have been tried, tested, and taken as facts, but others are nothing more than fantasy.

5 This Trusted Health Myth Is Incorrect

Myths related to health are common and arise for a variety of reasons. Some may be stories of ancestors that have been passed down from generation to generation.

At other times, it can be a science of the past but received before, as the results of studies from the mid-20th century, found by modern scientific methods to be less accurate than originally thought.

There are five most common health myths you need to know, as quoted from Medical News today, below.

1. Drink 8 glasses of water per day

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are not ambiguous in this regard, stating that drinking enough water every day is good for overall health.

The question is, how much water is enough? The CDC notes that there are no guidelines as to how much water to drink each day.

But they are connected to the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, which says women need 2.7 liters and men need 3.7 liters of water per day.

The total water point is very important; this does not refer to how many liters of water you should drink, but about how much water you consume from different drinks and foods.

It is important to note that the total average water intake of people drinks, including caffeinated beverages, makes up about 80 percent of their total water intake, with the remaining 20 percent actually coming from food.

Many people believe that the recommended daily water amount is eight glasses, equal to 2.5 liters.

This figure does not take into account the amount of water we get from drinks or other foods at all. This figure does not appear in official US or scientific guidelines on water consumption. So why do so many people believe this advice?

A 2002 study claimed eight glasses per day - known everyday 8 × 8 - again misinterpreted from a paragraph in a government report of 1945.

In it, the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council wrote, "The right water requirement for adults is 2.5 liters per day. The usual standard for diverse people is 1 milliliter for every food calorie. Most of this quantity is contained in ready-to-eat foods. "

As a recommendation, this seems to be less controversial, and it actually seems more or less in line with what the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine says in 2018.

But the authors in 2002 believed that people only pay attention to the first sentence, and over time, they ignored statements about foods containing water. This then causes a very false impression that 2.5 liters of water should be consumed daily in addition to any water we drink from other drinks and food.

Most importantly, the authors of this study found no scientific evidence to support the theory of 8 × 8 in terms of health benefits.

2. Cold temperatures cause flu

Although historically, people assume that cold temperatures cause people to catch colds. Nowadays, people are generally more aware that you have the flu not because you are in bad weather, but because of a virus.

A person is infected by a cold virus, known as rhinoviruses, by physical contact or in the same room as an infected person.

This is especially true if the infected person coughs or sneezes, or if we have touched some of the objects that the infected person has touched.

So, it seems pretty obvious that the cold temperature that causes people to catch the flu is a myth. The mechanisms that get cold can actually make us more susceptible to colds.

The cold virus tries to get into the human body through the nose, but they are usually trapped inside the mucus. Usually, the mucus back into the body, swallowed, and the virus neutralized by stomach acid.

But when we breathe cold air, the nasal passages get cold. This slows down the movement of the mucus, and this means that the living rhinovirus has more chances to break through the mucous barrier and enter the body.

The study also found that cold viruses develop in colder weather, because they are less able to survive at normal body temperature.

So, mostly caused by viruses and not just the consequences of cold weather.

3. Squeezing the fingers can cause arthritis

Finger squeezing does not cause arthritis. They generally report that people who squeeze their fingers risk nearly as much as with arthritis, like those who have never had arthritis. So, not squeezing your finger will not increase the risk of arthritis.

When we squeeze the fingers up to the sound, the researchers explain, we pull our joints slightly, causing the downward pressure on the synovial fluid that lubricates the joint. When this happens, the bubbles are formed in the liquid.

Pressure variations cause rapidly fluctuating bubbles, which create a distinctive cracking sound, which is great fun while massaging, is not it?

4. Deodorants can cause breast cancer

Some people suggest that there may be a link between the use of deodorant and the development of breast cancer. This is based on the assumption that the chemicals from deodorants affect the breast cells, given that they are applied to nearby skin.

Almost all studies that have tested this have found little evidence to support the claim that deodorants can cause breast cancer.

One retrospective study, revealing that breast cancer patients who use deodorants are regularly diagnosed younger than women who do not regularly use them.

But as this is a retrospective study, the results can not prove a link between the use of deodorants and the development of breast cancer.

The National Cancer Institute says that additional research will be needed to prove that the link between the use of deodorant and breast cancer.

5. Eggs are not good for the heart

Since the 1970s, there has been a strong focus on health care caused by cholesterol in heart disease. Eggs are rich in nutrients, but they also have the highest cholesterol content of ordinary foods.

Because of this, some people recommend that we should eat only two to four eggs per week, and that individuals with type 2 diabetes or a history of heart disease should eat less.

But new research shows there is no association between eating lots of eggs and cholesterol imbalance or an increased risk of heart problems and type 2 diabetes.

The study notes that sometimes, people who eat more than seven eggs per week have increased low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, or "bad" cholesterol, but this is almost always matched with a similar increase in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, which has protective properties.

Read more: Headaches Can Also Happen As a result of Orgasm

Evidence suggests that eating two eggs daily is safe and has a neutral or slightly beneficial effect on risk factors for heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

According to the CDC, eggs are one of the most nutritious and economical foods offered by nature, and that the major health risk posed by them is the risk of Salmonella infection. CDC provides guidance on how best to avoid Salmonella.

Well, Healthy Friend, still believe in some of these myths?
5 This Trusted Health Myth Is Incorrect 5 This Trusted Health Myth Is Incorrect Reviewed by Hollisteristic on Friday, June 15, 2018 Rating: 5
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