- Vomiting Not a village disease, All Can be hit. Vomiting and defecation or known as vomiting, is very dangerous if not treated quickly. Often this disease is considered trivial, but can cause a person experiencing fluid deficiency in large quantities, which can be dangerous.
Village can be experienced by anyone, regardless of age and place of residence. However, if it occurs in children and the elderly, vomiting should be wary. Both age groups are very susceptible to losing lots of fluids in a very fast time.
The causes of vomiting can vary, including viral and bacterial infections, and parasites. In addition, eating foods that are difficult to process by the digestion of children and the elderly can also cause vomiting.
What is the Dangers of Vomiting for Children?
Village in children can endanger lives. Dehydration caused by vomiting can occur very quickly in children, especially if it is still very small.
Parents need to be more vigilant if children experience signs below when vomiting and diarrhea:
- Weight drops dramatically.
- Decreased appetite.
- Rarely urinate.
- Remove the darker colored urine.
- The child's heart beats faster than normal.
- The child's mouth becomes dry.
- When crying do not shed tears.
- The child's eyelids are visible
- The skin becomes not as solid as
- The face of the child becomes more gaunt than usual.
- Children become sensitive or anxious.
- The child appears weak, or decreased consciousness.
If your child has vomiting and diarrhea at the same time, then some of the following can be done:
- Treatment of the baby
When the baby has vomiting, keep giving breast milk to her. Fluids and electrolyte content in breast milk can prevent the baby from becoming dehydrated. If your baby is consuming formula, switch to a lactose-free formula. This needs to be done because lactose has the potential to aggravate diarrhea. Oralite which is an oral rehydration solution may be needed to keep the baby protected from the danger of dehydration. This fluid itself consists of salt, sugar, potassium, and other nutrients.
- Handling of children
For toddlers and children, ORS may be directly administered to replace lost fluids. Avoid giving regular water and soft drinks. Ordinary water does not have enough salt and nutrients to replace lost fluids. Meanwhile, soft drinks are usually rich in sugar, and may cause irritation of the child's gastrointestinal tract.
Immediately take it to the doctor if the child has vomiting and diarrhea constantly. Children should also be immediately taken to a doctor or hospital if dehydrated, because it is feared will lead to serious complications. In the case of continuous vomiting, the doctor may perform endoscopic examination to check the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.
Village can be caused by food that is not sterile, then parents must ensure the cleanliness of food given to the child. Make sure parents and children always wash hands with soap when they want to eat, after toilets, after playing, and after doing other activities that may come into contact with germs.
Vomiting Not a village disease, All Can be hit
Reviewed by Hollisteristic
Friday, July 27, 2018