- The Way Forward is Ordinary! Let's Go Back Down For This Healthy Benefit. The benefits of walking for health is no doubt. Yes, walking is an easy and fun way to increase physical activity without excessive effort and energy. However, if you want to get the maximum benefit, you can try the way back.
A glance back and forth does not seem to provide any meaningful benefits. In fact, this one activity actually offers many benefits that are good for health compared to walking forward as usual. So, what benefits? Check out the following reviews.
Benefits of a retreat for health
The way forward may be so common, so you often do it without hesitation. Another case when you walk backwards. Walking backwards can improve your aerobic endurance and capacity faster. Because the challenge is given to your body is greater, so you force the body to to adapt to new things that are not normal.
Indirectly, it can encourage improvement and growth in your physical fitness. Well, this is what makes way back far more health benefits than the road forward.
Here are some of the benefits of walking backwards for health that I missed:
1. Burn more calories
Based on research, the back road is known to burn 40 percent more calories than if you walk in general. If you walk backwards in an uphill area, you need more energy so that calories burned will also be more.
Increased calories burned this will certainly provide good benefits. In addition, running backwards may be a good way to increase the intensity of higher practice because you do not need to do it at high speed.
2. Improve brain function
When you walk backwards, surely you will experience more difficulty than the way forward, right? You are required to be more focused as well as to regulate the balance. Well, this is why the retreat is the same as training your brain to do difficult tasks.
Based on the results of research conducted by researchers from the University of Nevada in Las Vegas, it is known that the level of concentration required when you walk backwards is as intense as the necessary konsetrasi when you are in danger. This makes the researchers draw conclusions if the retreat can improve brain function because it makes you more focused when doing so.
3. Increase heart rate
Based on the results of several small studies showing that at the same rate, the retreat can increase heart rate compared to the forward path.
Another study conducted by researchers from Texas in the Journal of Orthopedic and Sport Physical Therapy concluded that retreat could increase heart rate by 17-20 percent. The results of this study indicate that retreat is an ideal interval training method to add a higher intensity of exercise when you do physical activity on foot.
4. Other benefits
A study published in the Journal of Biomechanics also found that retreat can reduce anterior knee pain when compared to forward paths. Another study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine found that the combination of back and forward paths can improve cardiac fitness and alter body composition.
Read more: Sports What's Better for Diabetics: Cardio Exercise or Weightlifting?
Although your body is not used to backwash, but this one activity offers more benefits for heart, blood vessels, and burning calories in a shorter time. Well, this will certainly make your workouts more efficient and intense. So how, ready to try it?
The Way Forward is Ordinary! Let's Go Back Down For This Healthy Benefit
Reviewed by Hollisteristic
Thursday, June 21, 2018