Is Sperm Really Can Make Face More Beautiful? - Is Sperm Really Can Make Face More Beautiful? Lately we often see beauty tips that tend to be controversial by some beauty bloggers. How not, they use sperm as a face mask because it sure if this will make facial skin becomes more beautiful and healthy. A question arises, whether sperm really can make us become more beautiful?

 Is Sperm Really Can Make Face More Beautiful?

Health experts say that the sperm was very rich in nutrients like protein, zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and fructose. The content of these nutrients was very good for skin health because it can make the skin become healthier and moist naturally. Not only that, sperm was also rich in antioxidant content called spermin that can make skin rejuvenation run smoothly, make skin smoother, overcome acne, to prevent the arrival of wrinkles.

Some beauty products manufacturers say that the sperm content has a strength 30 times stronger than other antioxidants or vitamin E. Spermin even mentioned can reduce the aging process up to 20 percent better.

Unfortunately, sperm can also have the content of dangerous diseases such as hepatitis B, HIV, hepatitis C, syphilis, herpes, and various other diseases. If we get sperm originally without regard to the health condition of sperm donors, it is feared we can experience various allergic reactions, contracting several types of dangerous diseases, until the possibility of acne emergence resulting from the hormone testosterone in the sperm.

Read more: 7 Deadly Diseases Triggered by Cigarettes.

In some cases, the use of too thick or excessive sperm can make facial skin at risk of irritation. For this reason it's good we have to be really careful before using sperm as a face mask. Health experts themselves are still doing more in-depth research to find out what the benefits of sperm for skin health and how to use it safely.
Is Sperm Really Can Make Face More Beautiful?  Is Sperm Really Can Make Face More Beautiful? Reviewed by Hollisteristic on Sunday, June 03, 2018 Rating: 5
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