Best Nutrition For Mom and Baby - Best Nutrition For Mom and Baby. Do you realize that maternal food choices during pregnancy and breast-feeding are not only affecting the health of the mother, but also the health of the baby? Pregnancy is a very important period because lifestyle, habits including diet during this period will impact mother and child later. This is the time to ensure that mothers undergo certain healthy habits that will benefit the mother and baby at this time and in the future.

 Best Nutrition For Mom and Baby

When a mother is pregnant or nursing a baby, nutritious food is very important to both. At the time in the womb, the fetus will grow and develop by taking the nutrients from food consumed by the mother and saving the nutrients in the mother's body. Therefore, mothers need more nutrients than non-pregnant conditions.

Good nutrition during pregnancy will help mothers to stay healthy and active and prepare themselves to take care of themselves, baby mother, and the whole family. While at the time of feeding, the baby will get all that the mother eats. Therefore, in order to provide healthy nutrition for the baby then the mother must also eat healthy foods.

During pregnancy the mother needs additional calories to support the growth of the fetus and the needs of the pregnant mother, as well as to produce breast milk for breastfeeding mothers. Starting the 2nd trimester the mother only needs an extra energy of about 300 kcal from the mother's daily diet (this calorie is equivalent to about 2 glasses of milk or 1 glass of milk with 1 slice of chicken thigh or 1 cup milk with 2 kinds of fruit). This extra energy is needed during pregnancy to support metabolic needs as well as fetal growth. If during pregnancy there are complaints of nausea, vomiting, or stomach feels full then tactics by eating food in small portions but more often.

A balanced diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding is needed from the beginning trimester to the end. Mothers and fetuses need complete nutrients, both macro and micro nutrients. Macro nutrients such as carbohydrates and fats are needed as a source of energy and fetal fat reserves and while breastfeeding, while the protein is needed for the process of mother's body maintenance and fetal growth. Additional protein during pregnancy is needed to support the formation of the mother's and baby's tissues. In order to achieve the adequacy of protein requirements during pregnancy, the mother can add 1 serving of animal side dishes each time a portion of the meal, which can be obtained from eggs, chicken, fish, or low-fat meat. In addition to meeting the needs of protein, these foods can also meet the needs of vitamin B12, folic acid, and iron for the mother.

Vitamins and minerals are mostly found in vegetables and fruits, in addition to vegetables and fruits rich in fiber so it can help digestion. Essential micro nutrients that are needed during pregnancy are iron, folic acid, calcium, iodine and zinc. If the mother's daily diet does not contain enough nutrients needed, then the fetus will take the supplies that are in the body of the mother. In relation to this, the mother must have a good nutritional status before pregnancy and continue to consume a variety of food, both the proportion and the amount during pregnancy. By eating a variety of foods are expected to meet the needs of the body of macro and micro nutrients can be met.

To meet the carbohydrate needs, mothers are advised to get it from complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, cereal, and whole grain bread to get additional nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber. In addition, to get adequate intake of vitamins and minerals, mothers are also advised to eat vegetables and fruits.

Milk and dairy products are also needed as a source of calcium in the daily diet. Calcium is important for the development of baby's bones and teeth, while the lactation period of calcium is important in the formation of breast milk. Although mothers do not consume milk or other foods that contain calcium during pregnancy, the fetus can derive from calcium deposits in the mother's body (bones and teeth). Therefore, the mother is advised to keep the savings from the daily food intake.

In addition, limit the consumption of salt to a maximum of 1 teaspoon per day in order to avoid the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension). The incidence of hypertension during pregnancy increases the risk of fetal death, placental separation, and growth disorders. Consumption of caffeine in pregnant women will also affect the growth and development of the fetus, because fetal metabolism is not perfect. According to the British Medical Journal (2008) caffeine consumption for pregnant women should not exceed 100 mg per day or 1 to 2 cups of coffee per day. Therefore, during pregnancy the mother should be wise in consuming coffee as the main source of caffeine. Drink within safe limits, ie at most 2 cups of coffee per day or avoid altogether.

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Pregnant women also need to meet the needs of fluids by ensuring drinking water intake of about 2-3 liters per day or about 8-12 glasses per day. Water is the best liquid for optimal body hydration. Water helps digestion, removes toxins, builds cells and blood, regulates the body's acid-base balance, and regulates body temperature. Water needs during pregnancy increase to support fetal circulation, amniotic fluid production and increased blood volume.
Best Nutrition For Mom and Baby  Best Nutrition For Mom and Baby Reviewed by Hollisteristic on Friday, May 04, 2018 Rating: 5
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