Don't worry, we discuss the nutrition of pregnant women here - Don't worry, we discuss the nutrition of pregnant women here. Nutrisi ibu hamil merupakan salah satu faktor utama penentu kesehatan ibu dan janin. Kurangnya asupan nutrisi selama kehamilan dan gaya hidup yang kurang baik, membuat janin berisiko lebih tinggi mengalami gangguan, seperti berat badan lahir kurang, hambatan tumbuh kembang, hingga cacat bawaan lahir.

Setelah Anda dinyatakan hamil, saat itulah Anda harus mulai berhati-hati dalam memilih asupan makanan yang akan dikonsumsi. Hal ini dikarenakan setiap makanan yang Anda konsumsi akan diserap oleh janin sebagai nutrisi untuk tumbuh kembangnya. Jika perlu, asupan nutrisi tambahan bisa didapatkan dari suplemen prenatal yang diresepkan oleh dokter.

Don't worry, we discuss the nutrition of pregnant women here
Don't worry, we discuss the nutrition of pregnant women here
Various Nutrition Needed by Pregnant Women

Experts recommend that pregnant women with normal weight consume 1800 calories in the first trimester, 2200 calories in the second trimester, and 2400 calories in the third trimester. In order for the baby in the womb to grow and develop properly, you are advised to consume the following food intake as a source of nutrition for pregnant women.

  • Carbohydrate

Carbohydrates that are recommended for pregnant women are those that contain starch, such as rice, pasta, and bread. You are encouraged to eat foods that contain carbohydrates as much as 8 to 10 servings every day. Carbohydrates will be converted into energy as a nutrition for pregnant women and the growth of babies in the womb. Research shows that a low-carbohydrate diet during pregnancy risks causing a baby to be born handicapped.

  • Protein

When pregnant, you need at least 40 to 70 grams of protein every day. You can also meet your daily protein intake by eating, meat, eggs, tofu, milk, seafood including fish or shellfish, and nuts. The need for this protein can be met when you consume three to four servings of protein every day. For example, to meet the daily protein needs of pregnant women, you can consume two glasses of milk, and 200 grams of lean meat.

  • Iron

The function of iron is to form hemoglobin which acts as an oxygen carrier throughout the mother's body and the fetus through red blood cells. When pregnant, your iron needs increase by 50 percent. This increased need is mainly in the second and third trimesters. Every day, pregnant women need at least 27 mg of iron intake. You can meet your daily iron intake by eating lean meat, fish, tofu, green vegetables, eggs and nuts. Do not let you experience iron deficiency, because it can increase the risk of premature babies.

  • Folic acid

From the beginning to 12 weeks' gestation, you are encouraged to take 400 mcg of folic acid supplements per day. In addition, you also need natural folic acid called folate. The source of folate is green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, nuts, avocados and papaya. Some margarine and cereal have also been enriched with folic acid. The function of folic acid in pregnant women is to prevent babies from experiencing neural tube defects.

  • Fiber and vitamins

During pregnancy, you need 200-450 grams of vegetables and 350 grams of fruit every day. Fiber content in vegetables and fruits is useful to help the digestive system during pregnancy and prevent constipation while pregnant. In addition, these food ingredients also contain various nutrients needed during pregnancy, such as vitamins and minerals.

  • Fat

You also need fat as a nutrition for pregnant women. There is no minimum fat limit that you must consume every day. Even so, of course it is not recommended to consume fat excessively. In addition, choose healthy sources of vegetable fats, such as whole grains, nuts, and avocados.

  • Calcium

Eating three glasses of milk or soy milk every day, is considered sufficient to meet the calcium needs of pregnant women. Other choices that can be consumed to meet your daily calcium intake are sardines or calcium-fortified orange juice. If you like cheese as a substitute for the foods that have been mentioned, prioritize the low-fat ones. Low-fat yogurt can also be a good choice, because one cup of yogurt has more calcium than a glass of milk.

Nutrition for pregnant women can vary in size, depending on age, weight, gestational age, and physical activity of each pregnant woman. Therefore, it is recommended to consult the obstetrician about the portion of food you need to consume, also the type and dosage of supplements, if needed.
Don't worry, we discuss the nutrition of pregnant women here Don't worry, we discuss the nutrition of pregnant women here Reviewed by Hollisteristic on Tuesday, August 21, 2018 Rating: 5
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