Really Sleep Can Make Body Fat?

Roseous.comReally Sleep Can Make Body Fat? Many people believe that napping makes you fat. In fact, the drowsiness is often come in the daytime. This then makes you go awry, wanting to sleep but afraid to be fat. Meanwhile, if you do not sleep, you become difficult to concentrate because feeling sleepy. Well, actually whether the nap make the fat? Or do you think this is just a misunderstanding? Check out the answer below.

Really Sleep Can Make Body Fat?

Get to know what makes us sleepy during the day

Already full after lunch, suddenly attacked by great sleepiness? Or being busy working, then feel the more severe eye because sleepy? Even worse, watching television during the day, then unconsciously fall asleep.

If you have experienced any of the above conditions, you may be wondering what is the cause of sudden drowsiness during the day.

As a nutritionist from Sydney, Australia, Robbie Clark points out, there are some things that trigger you to feel sleepy during the day, and the main reason is lunch. Because, after lunch, the body is working to break food into energy, then unknowingly it also triggers various responses in the body. One of them is sleepy.

Moreover, shortly after eating there will be an increase in the amount of insulin hormone. The heavier your lunch, the more insulin production. This excessive absorption of insulin can lead to the transfer of amino acid tryptophan to the brain, which then triggers the production of serotonin and melatonin. Both are two chemicals that can cause a calming effect as well as sleepy.

Uniquely, it turns out about 90 percent of serotonin is found in the intestine to help regulate gut motion during digesting food. That's why you get sleepy after lunch.

Then, really if the nap make fat?

After knowing the cause of daytime drowsiness, then maybe you will think if the nap make the fat. Yes, not a few people who think that sleepiness caused by a glut after lunch. If after that you sleep, then automatically will facilitate fat accumulation that eventually make you fat.

The fact is not that simple. Launched from the Scientific American page, sleep is not a cause of weight soaring up. Someone who often naps and gained weight, not solely due to his habit.

The most fundamental cause is that the energy coming from calories and energy that comes out through physical activity is not balanced. In other words, when you eat too much, but not balanced by doing the equivalent activity, then there are still a number of calories in the body.

If this happens for a long time, it will result in the accumulation of calories that can not be excreted as energy because of the activity that tends to be small. Well, calories are buried in vain, it will eventually be stored as fat in the body.

In essence, the revelation that a nap make the fat is just a myth. Most importantly, adjust the portion of food that comes in with your daily activities. Do not get too excessive or even lack.

Effective nap tips to avoid getting fat

From now on, do not be afraid anymore to take a nap, because there are a myriad of good benefits if you take a nap. Here are some tips that can help to get an effective nap without fear of fat:

1. Do not miss breakfast

Breakfast keeps a myriad of benefits both for your body and mind. Not only apply in the morning, but up to full day throughout your activities. In fact, a breakfast in sufficient portion can help to reduce fatigue throughout the day, no exception during the day.

Ultimately, it will prevent you from feeling excessively tired during the day, which culminates in taking long naps and thus reduces physical activity.

2. Much moving

Instead of spending too much time relaxing, watching television, or anything else that does not involve much physical activity, it's better to start spending more time with home cleaning, casual walking, light exercise, and other activities that get your body out more energy.

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The reason, activities involving physical work will further optimize the use of oxygen and blood circulation in the body and brain. In short, it will minimize the risk of buildup of calories in the body after lunch.

3. Just take a nap

According to Sara C. Mednick, Ph.D., a researcher from the University of California Riverside, there is a myriad of healthful benefits from taking a nap. With a note, you nap sufficiently, which is about 15 to 20 minutes. This estimated time is optimal enough to rearrange the system in the body, improve body performance, to restore lost energy.
Really Sleep Can Make Body Fat? Really Sleep Can Make Body Fat? Reviewed by Hollisteristic on Thursday, July 05, 2018 Rating: 5
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