Smart Tips Facing Infants Who Have Fever

Roseous.comSmart Tips Facing Infants Who Have FeverIs your child fever at this time? Relax, do not rush into panic. Fever is the body's defense reaction against germs or bad bacteria that are trying to cause a disease.

You need to know, the normal body temperature of a child ranges from 36.5-37⁰ C. So, if you find the baby's body temperature above that value, then it can be said that the Little is having a fever.

Smart Tips Facing Infants Who Have Fever

Indeed, fever itself is always a sign of a dangerous thing. However, you should remain vigilant, especially when you find the following signs when your child is having a fever:
  • Looks weak and inactive
  • Insomnia
  • Difficulty drinking milk or milk
  • Fever accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Visible signs of dehydration, such as rarely urinate, no tears when crying, crown looks crooked, and dry mouth
  • Have a seizure

As for some of the keynt that obliges you to immediately bring the little fever to the doctor. Some of these circumstances, including:
  • Baby age is still under 3 months. At this age, the immune system of the Little is still not good so that the germs that cause disease more easily attack.
  • High fever (> 39⁰ C) more than 3 days
  • Fever accompanied by seizures
  • Fever accompanied by a rash

When seeking treatment, the doctor will perform a thorough physical examination and investigation such as blood tests when deemed necessary.

If no signs are found to harm the condition of the Small, temporary fever handling can be done at home. It is advisable for you to have a temperature measuring device (thermometer), in order to always monitor changes in your baby's body temperature every four hours.

Steps you can do on your child who has a fever

While monitoring every change that occurs, some steps you can do on the Small who are fever are as follows:

  • Provide febrifuge

Antipyretic drugs can help lower body temperature, and make the child's feverish behavior more comfortable than before.

  • Warm water compresses

Warm water compresses on a regular basis can help open the pores of the skin, so that the hot temperature that spins in the body can be removed. This is the same as opening the air vents in the body.

  • Give more to drink

Give your child more fluid when he has a fever, so that dehydration does not occur later. This fluid can be in the form of breast milk or formula, depending on the age of your child at the time.

  • Wear comfortable clothes

Make sure your child uses a thin dress, so it can absorb sweat well. Avoid using layered and thick clothing, as this can increase the body temperature.

  • Bathe with warm water

Bathing the baby with warm water can help reduce the heat.

  • Set room temperature

When your baby has a fever, make sure the condition of the room where he rested has a normal temperature, not too hot or cold.

  • Make skin-to-skin contact

Hug your baby. Make sure there is contact between your skin and skin. This means, the baby must be in the condition of using diapers only. It aims to help lower the baby's body temperature, and provide a sense of excess comfort to him.

Read more: Tips for Choosing a Gynecologist for the Good of your Fetus

Fever is not merely a sign of something serious. However, you must remain vigilant and do a series of efforts so that the condition does not occur protracted to the baby, especially when he was a baby. Greetings healthy!
Smart Tips Facing Infants Who Have Fever Smart Tips Facing Infants Who Have Fever Reviewed by Hollisteristic on Saturday, July 21, 2018 Rating: 5
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