Controlling Weight while Pregnant

Roseous.comControlling Weight while PregnantWant to regain body weight as before pregnancy, become a dream of many women after childbirth. The main factor causing weight to rise rapidly during pregnancy is excessive eating intake. Hope to give the best for the baby, make the pregnant mother eager mengosumsi nutritious food, the wrong-one even cause weight rise very rapidly. Mangontrol weight gain during pregnancy is something that peting done. It is not merely aiming to regain weight as it once was, but it also has great health benefits.

Controlling Weight while Pregnant

Maternal weight gain during pregnancy has an effect on your own mother as well as the baby that is conceived. A weight gain that is less than normal will risk your mother suffering from anemia and bleeding during childbirth. Disorders that occur in the fetus is the risk of growth and development disturbed, malnourished, and low birth weight. Furthermore, at risk Children after adulthood are malnourished with adverse health effects, poor mental capacity, and in adults women will be at risk of unhealthy pregnancies. A more than normal weight gain is at risk for gestational diabetes, heart disease, labor difficulties, birth weight, premature birth with risk of respiratory illness, or low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), and when adults are at high risk of developing diabetes.

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Controlling weight gain during pregnancy begins with understanding your weight before pregnancy. For pregnant women with normal weight, the recommended weight gain is 12.5-18 kg, for body weight is 11.5-16 kg and for obese weight 7-11,5 kg. The normal weight criterion can be determined by calculating the ratio of body weight (kilogram) to the height (meters) of the square, this calculation formula is called the Body Mass Index (BMI). Weight is normal if BMI has a score of 18.5 to 22.9; less weight if BMI less than 18.5; more weight if BMI 23-24,9 and obese weight if IMT 25 or more.
Controlling Weight while Pregnant Controlling Weight while Pregnant Reviewed by Hollisteristic on Friday, July 13, 2018 Rating: 5
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