Pneumonia Pain, Can It Still Be Maintained At Home Or Should Be An Opname In The Hospital?

Roseous.comPneumonia Pain, Can It Still Be Maintained At Home Or Should Be An Opname In The Hospital? Pneumonia is inflammation of the lungs caused by infection - can be by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. Pneumonia is more common in elderly people, but anyone can basically get pneumonia when the immune system is decreasing. The most common symptoms of pneumonia are fever (can reach more than 40ºC), cough with phlegm that can sometimes be accompanied by blood, shortness of breath, and chest pain. If you suspect you are sick of pneumonia, you should immediately go to the doctor to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Pneumonia Pain, Can It Still Be Maintained At Home Or Should Be An Opname In The Hospital?

The next question, whether the treatment of pneumonia does need to be hospitalized or can be at home only?

Pneumonia, can be treated at home only or need to be hospitalized?

Treating pneumonia can actually be done both at home and in the hospital, depending on the condition of your body at this time and how severe the symptoms.

If the doctor judges that your illness is not too severe, most likely doctors will only prescribe antibiotics to take home. The most commonly prescribed antibiotics for treating pneumonia are amoxicillin (with or without Clavulanate) or third-generation cephalosporin drugs, such as eftriaxone or cefotaxime. Giving antibiotics can also be combined with macrolide class antibiotics such as azithromicin, erythromycin or clarithromycin.

It is important to understand and obey every doctor's instructions regarding the dosage and procedure of taking the medicine so that you can recover quickly. Make sure you also spend the antibiotic in accordance with the time period specified by the doctor.

In addition to prescribing medications, your doctor will generally advise you to take plenty of rest at home. Do not force yourself to move as usual. Because the symptoms of pneumonia can be very debilitating. You need to completely rest for a few weeks until your condition improves. Do the activity gradually and slowly until your body is fully recovered.

To reduce the heat of fever and pain, you can take paracetamol drugs that are sold freely in stalls or pharmacies. Do not forget to multiply drinking water to prevent dehydration. While at home, do not forget to wear a mask to prevent transmission to other family members when you cough.

Generally sick pneumonia can heal in 2 to 3 weeks with simple treatment at home. In older adults and people with other health problems, recovery may take about 6-8 weeks or more.

Then, when should be hospitalized if exposed to pneumonia?

If symptoms worsen or fever continues to rise beyond 40ºC despite taking the drug, you should immediately ask for hospitalization. If you are hospitalized, you will be trained by a physiotherapist to arrange for a coughing technique so you can release sputum more effectively and can cough without feeling too much pain.

If you experience shortness of breath, you may be paired with an oxygen hose to help your breathing. You may also receive antibiotics through an IV. Installation of the infusion is also done to help meet the fluid and electrolyte needs of the body as long as you are hospitalized.

People whose immune systems are weak; have heart disease or other lung conditions; and people who have been very ill before pneumonia will most likely be hospitalized as soon as pneumonia is diagnosed by a doctor. Infants, young children and adults age 65 and older are also at high risk for hospitalization when sick with pneumonia, regardless of body condition and severity of symptoms.

Read more: Do not Use the Sheet Mask, Learn To Know These 5 Important Facts

What can be done to prevent pneumonia?

You can apply a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of pneumonia, such as:
  • Eat healthy foods
  • Always wash your hands before eating, after the toilet, after gardening, before and after preparing food or cooking, after holding the trash, after coughing or sneezing, and other times.
  • Do not smoke and do not consume excessive amounts of alcohol.
  • Exercise regularly and rest when tired.
Pneumonia Pain, Can It Still Be Maintained At Home Or Should Be An Opname In The Hospital? Pneumonia Pain, Can It Still Be Maintained At Home Or Should Be An Opname In The Hospital? Reviewed by Hollisteristic on Friday, June 22, 2018 Rating: 5
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