- In addition to Stomach Pain, It's Your Digestive Alert Troubled. Your stomach pain is synonymous with your troubled digestive sign. In fact, in addition to abdominal pain in fact there are many other symptoms of digestive disorders are often not realized or often considered trivial.
Here are some symptoms of indigestion that are not solely due to abdominal pain:
1. Hiccups
For some Indonesians, hiccups are often believed to be a sign of a child getting bigger and bigger. There are also those who believe that hiccups are a sign that you are being missed by someone. These things are not right.
In most cases, hiccups are a natural occurrence due to nerve stimulation below the lung. However, if hiccups last for more than an hour or hiccups very often recur, then it's time you should be vigilant because it could be your digestive problem.
Digestive disorders often characterized by prolonged hiccups are gastroesophageal reflux disease (PRGE), a disease characterized by muscle weakness in the lower throat, causing stomach acid to rise into the esophagus and mouth. In addition to PRGE, a hiccup that is difficult to stop can also be a sign of cancer of the digestive tract.
2. Constipation
Constipation complaints are characterized by a rarity of bowel movements and very hard fecal consistency. The most common cause of constipation is due to lifestyle such as lack of fiber consumption, lack of drinking water, or it could be because too much sitting. However, constipation can also be a sign of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
IBS is a digestive disorder triggered by stress. Sufferers often experience constipation and pain repeatedly. Generally, after the sufferer managed to defecate, his stomach pain will slowly disappear.
If constipation occurs in the elderly, the likelihood of colon cancer also needs to be considered. Especially if constipation accompanied by symptoms of weight loss, and the form of small and hard feces like goat droppings.
If constipation occurs in infants, the possibility of hirschsprung disease, the congenital disease characterized by nerve disorders in the intestine.
3. Frequent farts
Fart is a normal process in the gastrointestinal tract as a body mechanism in removing too much air in the gastrointestinal tract. However, if frequencies fart too often, or accompanied by a very unpleasant odor, this could be a sign of gastrointestinal infection.
GI infection can be caused by bacteria or parasites. In addition, if a fart occurs after eating certain foods, farts can be a sign of a certain food intolerance (there are substances in the food that are not able to digest the body).
4. Black stools
Do not assume trivial if when you defecate, feces that come out black with consistency soft or dilute. This condition indicates that there is bleeding in the digestive tract that requires further examination, and the handling of medical personnel in the hospital.
There are many things that can cause gastrointestinal bleeding. One common thing is the presence of injury in the stomach, rupture of blood vessels in the esophagus due to liver disease, or tumors in the digestive tract.
5. Yellow eye
Yellow eyes indicate too much bilirubin (reddish yellow bile pigment which is the result of breaking red blood cells by the liver) in the blood. Bilirubin is a substance that results from the breakdown of red blood cells, then undergo a process in the liver and bile ducts. Bilirubin will be channeled to the intestine and removed with feces. The presence of yellow eyes indicates the process of bilirubin metabolism is not going well. The cause may be due to disorders of the liver or bile ducts, which are part of the digestive tract.
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Now that you have learned that in addition to abdominal pain, there are also other signs that your digestion is problematic. If you experience one or five of the above symptoms, you need to be aware of any digestive disorders or other diseases. To find out the clarity, you should consult a doctor.
In addition to Stomach Pain, It's Your Digestive Alert Troubled
Reviewed by Hollisteristic
Tuesday, June 26, 2018