8 Misleading Myths about Fevers in Toddlers

Roseous.com8 Misleading Myths about Fevers in ToddlersFever that occurs in toddlers can be the most worried about the parents, even to cause anxiety. No wonder, many myths that then appear and trusted just because the panic that increasingly enveloped.

8 Misleading Myths about Fevers in Toddlers

Unfortunately, many of these myths are not compatible with medical facts. Well, before you already believe, you should first find out the truth below:

Myth 1: Fever is very dangerous for toddlers

In fact, fever is one of the best body responses in fighting germs. Fever will increase the temperature in the body, and make germs unable to work spread the disease. So, no need to worry too much if your child has a fever, especially if the symptoms can still be controlled.

Myth 2: All fevers have the potential to cause seizures

Only 4% of cases of fever in children are tipping. This is because febrile seizures do not affect every child. Only children with certain health conditions are susceptible to the condition. Meanwhile, the febrile seizure disease itself can disappear when the child grows up.

Myth 3: A warm toddler is a fever

A new child is said to have a fever when his body temperature is above 37.5 ° C on thermometer measurements in the armpits. This means, the warm sensation that occurs in children is not a complaint of fever when the temperature is below that number.

Myth 4: Every case of fever requires antibiotics

Antibiotics are only given when a complaint that occurs in a child is caused by a bacterial infection. So if a child's fever is caused by a viral infection or anything else, antibiotics are not necessary.

Be careful, the use of antibiotics outside the doctor's advice will make the germs more resistant to treatment given next. As a result, the disease becomes more difficult to cure in the event of an infection later on.

Myth 5: Fever will not go down without medication

Not all fevers require a febrifuge. The drug is only appropriate given if the Small looks very weak due to the complaints he felt.

Instead of giving the drug, it would be better if the Little increase the intake of water and nutritious food. That way, the fever will subside by itself as the immune system increases and the underlying disease improves.

Myth 6: Fever can damage the brain if not treated immediately

Fever only affects the nervous system in the brain when it goes beyond 42oC. Under that temperature, fever does not potentially cause significant damage to the brain or other body parts.

Fever that reaches the temperature of 42oC itself is very rare, because before reaching the temperature, generally the child already looks very weak and the parents must seek treatment or bring it to the hospital. Complications in fever that lead to such an increase in temperature usually occur in children who are left in a car with a closed condition in hot weather.

Myth 7: Ice packs can make the fever temperature drop quickly

This is an assumption that goes against the actual medical facts. Because the medical does not recommend the use of ice packs, but a warm compress between the armpits, neck, and groin.

Warm compresses will help dilate the blood vessels beneath the skin, so heat can easily evaporate through the pores.

Myth 8: Compress fever just put on forehead

Appropriate use of the compress is in the folds of the body, especially in the neck, armpits, and groin. The skin in the crease area is thinner than its surroundings, making it easier to reach inside the body. In addition, in these body parts there is also a large blood vessel which is the target of giving a compress pereda fever.

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That's the actual medical fact about fevers in children and toddlers. By knowing this, it is hoped you can be completely free of mythical myths or misleading rumors about certain diseases.
8 Misleading Myths about Fevers in Toddlers 8 Misleading Myths about Fevers in Toddlers Reviewed by Hollisteristic on Tuesday, June 26, 2018 Rating: 5
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