8 Frequently Asked Questions About Labor

Roseous.com8 Frequently Asked Questions About LaborBy the time of delivery, it is normal for many pregnant women to feel anxious, especially if this is their first labor. But not to worry, by answering all questions and anxieties about labor, pregnant women will usually be ready when the time of delivery arrive later.

8 Frequently Asked Questions About Labor

Here are some things that are often asked about the baby's delivery.

1. What are the physical changes that I will experience before my childbirth?

In the first pregnancy, the fetus will begin to descend downwards and head into your pelvic cavity approximately after 32 weeks of gestation. You will find it easier to breathe, sleep more soundly, and more often urinate because the fetus pushes the bladder more.

However, in the second and subsequent pregnancies, usually the new baby's head drops before birth.

You will also often feel pain like cramps in the lower abdomen because the uterus slightly stretched. This cramp will occur repeatedly but irregularly. Then, the vagina will also become more wet or damp.

2. What are the characteristics I will give birth to?

When the delivery time is almost there, you will experience:
  • Heartburn from the back of the hip to the front. At first it is weak and the distance is long, but then gradually becomes stronger and the distance is shorter, until it becomes orderly when delivery time arrives.
  • The uterus feels tight when touched, especially when it is heartburn.
  • Exit mucus mixed with blood from the birth canal.
  • A clear, yellowish amniotic fluid from the birth canal.

3. How does the delivery process take place?

The process of labor consists of 4 times, namely:
  • Kala 1: the time required for cervical opening to be a complete opening of 10 cm2. At the birth of the first child, the opening of the birth canal until lasted 12-18 hours. At the birth of the second child and so on, this opening is usually faster that is 6-8 hours from the onset of heartburn until the baby is born.
  • Kala 2: when the expenditure of the fetus, ie when the womb is assisted by the strength of heartburn and strength push, pushing the baby until birth.
  • Kala 3: time of discharge and expenditure of placenta.
  • Kala 4: 1-2 hour time after birth placenta (placenta).

4. What needs to be done since feeling heartburn?
  • Urinate as often as possible so that the opening of the birth canal is not disturbed. A full bladder will suppress the uterus so that the movement of the uterine muscle is disturbed.
  • Take a light walk if possible.
  • When the feeling of heartburn increases, take a deep breath through the nose and remove it through the mouth.
  • Do not push if the birth is not complete.
  • Eat and drink between heartburn as usual whenever possible. If you can not, try to drink. This needs to be done so that you have the energy to push later on.

5. What is a good push position?

A good position to push is in accordance with your desire and comfort, but there are some good positions that can be done.
  • Sitting or half-sitting, often the most comfortable position, also makes it easier for the doctor or midwife to lead labor at the time of the baby's head release and in perineal surveillance.
  • Menungging or crawling position, whether done when you feel the baby's head stuck in his back. This position is also useful in infants who have difficulty spinning.
  • Squatting or standing. This position helps head down if labor is slow or if you are not able to push.
  • Lying on the left side of the body. This position is comfortable and is able to prevent you from straining when the opening is incomplete.

Position that is not good for you is lying flat on your back, because it can cause emphasis on the blood vessels that channel blood to the fetus and you.

6. What is the hallmark if the opening of the birth canal is complete?

When the opening of the birth canal is complete, you will feel like going to defecate. When this happens, the midwife or doctor will ask you to strain as in the time of defecation, every sense of heartburn arises.

When the heartburn is gone, you are prohibited from straining. Take a break, take a breath, punctuate a drink for rehydration.

After straining several times, the baby's head will be pushed out and the baby will be born. For the first child, the maximum duration is 2 hours, while for the second child and so on for a maximum of 1 hour.

Read more: Broken Heart Not Good For Health. Let's Move On!

7. What will the midwife or doctor do after the baby comes out?
  • Dry your baby's body and clean your baby's mouth and nose on your stomach.
  • Cut and care for the umbilical cord.
  • Warm or wrap the baby and given to you for immediate feeding.
  • Helps you to remove the placenta that is usually born 15 minutes after the baby is born.
  • Examine the integrity of the placenta out so that nothing remains in the womb, to prevent bleeding during the puerperium.

8. What are the signs of healthy born babies?

Newborn babies are said to be healthy if:
  • Immediately crying
  • Instantly spontaneous breathing
  • Many move
  • Pink skin color
  • Weight 2.5 kg or more
8 Frequently Asked Questions About Labor 8 Frequently Asked Questions About Labor Reviewed by Hollisteristic on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 Rating: 5
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