- Dangers of Smoking For Health. The danger of smoking for health is not a public secret. However, even though everyone knows exactly the dangers of smoking, this does not make smokers quit smoking immediately. In addition, not only active smokers who get negative effects of smoking. Passive smokers exposed to smoke alone can get the effects of harmful cigarettes.
In the UK alone there are about 100 thousand people die each year because of smoking. Death terebut associated with the dangers of smoking that can cause cancer, lung disease, and heart disease.
In Indonesia, the percentage of people consuming cigarettes is declared the largest in Southeast Asia. In addition, based on data published by Demography Institute of the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance, and Tobacco Control Commission, Indonesia ranks third with the largest number of smokers in the world after China and India in 2012.
Smoking does increase the risk of some diseases with the ingredients in them. One of them is nicotine.
Here are some of the dangers of smoking and some diseases that arise from smoking:
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
- Lung cancer.
- Heart disease.
- Cancer, such as mouth cancer, throat, esophagus, pancreas, bladder, cervix, blood (leukemia), and kidneys.
- Chemicals in tobacco can damage the blood vessels and affect the amount of fat in the bloodstream. It increases the risk of vascular hardening (atheroma) disease.
The danger of smoking in humans can then be seen on the next page.
- Smokers are more likely to experience impotence or have difficulty in maintaining an erection compared to someone who does not smoke. It is suspected because of the damage associated with blood vessels to the penis.
- Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune condition characterized by joint inflammation and connective tissue damage. Other organs, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, and skin can be affected.
- Smokers tend to have more lines or wrinkles on the face that cause her face to look older than her age.
- Reduce fertility for both men and women.
- In some women who smoke usually experience menopause two years earlier than non-smokers.
In addition to some of the above diseases, smoking also often causes symptoms of some diseases. Such as asthma, colds, flu, chest infections, tuberculosis, chronic rhinitis, hyperthyroidism, multiple sclerosis, and diabetic retinopathy.
Read too: Causes And Signs Of Brain Cancer Disease In Human Body
Not only that, smoking also increases the risk of various conditions such as, dementia, cataracts, macular degeneration, pulmonary fibrosis, psoriasis, gum disease, tooth loss, osteoporosis, and optic neuropathy.
However, if you decide to quit smoking, you can make big changes to your health. So, it's never too late to quit smoking. Not only that, quitting smoking will keep you from various dangerous diseases or the risk of death from smoking. You can ask someone for help if you can not stop yourself. (DV) The danger of smoking for health is not a public secret. However, even though everyone knows exactly the dangers of smoking, this does not make smokers quit smoking immediately. In addition, not only active smokers who get negative effects of smoking. Passive smokers exposed to smoke alone can get the effects of harmful cigarettes.
Dangers of Smoking For Health
Reviewed by Hollisteristic
Thursday, April 12, 2018