Process Writing Revisons

If you earn an 'A', you are done for that paper assignment.

If you receive an 'R' I expect you to revise your paper and make the corrections I have given you. All of my revision comments can be seen on All revisions must be turned in two weeks before the end of each quarter. No revisions will be accepted by your teacher after that date. 

To do this:
- You will print out your original submission.
- Make corrections on a new copy of your paper.
- Highlight all changes that have been made on the updated copy, print it out, and staple it on top of your original submission.
- These will be turned in hard copy.

- For each additional revision you have to make, you will need to print out a new copy with updated and highlighted changes and staple it to your previous copies. Do NOT assume that your paper will only need one revision. Papers often need multiple drafts, which is why you are given so much time to correct them. 

- The first copy of your revision must be turned in along with the Process Writing Revision Submission Form, you do not need to fill out additional submission forms for further revision submissions, just for the first one.

They will be turned in stapled in this order:
- Original submission on the bottom
- Highlighted corrected version in the middle
- Revision Submission Form on the top

If you do not have all drafts, or do not highlight your changes, or are missing your Revision Submission Form, your paper will not be graded and will remain an 'R' 75%.

Process Writing Revisons Process Writing Revisons Reviewed by Hollisteristic on Wednesday, September 27, 2017 Rating: 5
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