- Pain Management and Important Things Inside. Pain management or pain management is a collection of medical procedures that aim to relieve or relieve pain in patients. Pain is basically an unpleasant or painful sensation that arises due to damage to body tissues, and can cause physical and emotional effects.
Pain appears as a system that protects the body from further tissue damage, or from activities that can cause damage to the body. Based on its nature, pain can be acute or chronic pain. As for the intensity, pain can be felt as mild or severe pain.
Acute pain arises suddenly, and usually the cause can be clearly identified. Chronic pain arises over a long period of time. Usually chronic pain will be felt in a few weeks or months. Chronic pain often results from a condition or illness suffered by a patient.
Sometimes to provide maximum results, one can undergo more than one type of pain management method. This is because pain often involves many aspects of the patient's daily life.
Indications of Pain Management
A patient can undergo pain management if he suffers from pain in his body. Based on the cause, pain can be divided into 2 types, namely nociceptive pain and neuropathic pain.
Nociceptive pain arises due to a potentially dangerous stimulus, which is detected by the body's sense of pain (nociceptors). Nociceptive pain arises due to damage to body tissues, both mechanical damage (eg joint pain or back pain), damage due to heat, cold temperatures, or due to exposure to chemicals. The appearance of nociceptive pain can be characterized by symptoms in parts of the body that experience pain, including:
- Stabbing pain, like being pierced by nails or needles.
- Rigid.
- Weak.
- Tingling.
Neuropathic pain arises due to damage to the nerve tissue, so that pain sometimes appears suddenly. The symptoms caused by neuropathic pain are:
- A burning sensation or like being pierced by a needle in the part that is experiencing pain.
- Tingling and stiffness.
- Sudden pain without obvious cause.
- Difficulty sleeping and resting due to the pain.
- Emotional disorders due to chronic pain, difficulty sleeping, and difficult to describe the pain being suffered.
The cause of neuropathic pain is difficult to identify when it first appears, and further investigation is needed. However, after being examined, generally the causes of neuropathic pain can be grouped into:
- Infections, such as syphilis, snake pox or shingles, as well
- Injuries, especially injuries that cause damage or pressure on the nervous system, such as spinal cord injury.
- Complications due to surgical procedures, such as amputation.
- Disease or complications due to other diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, or cancer.
The patient must immediately consult a doctor for treatment or pain management if you experience:
- Pain that does not disappear after 2-3 weeks.
- Difficulty relaxing.
- Pain experienced causes depression, anxiety, or stress.
- Medications or methods for relieving pain are no longer effective.
- Difficult to carry out daily activities due to pain.
Before undergoing pain treatment using drugs, patients are expected to be careful if they have conditions, such as:
- Anemia.
- Hemophilia.
- Vitamin K deficiency
- Decreasing the number of blood platelets (platelets).
- The presence of ulcers (ulcers) in the stomach or intestines.
- The presence of polyps in the nose.
- Liver dysfunction.
- Kidney illness.
- Suffer from allergies to pain relief drugs, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or paracetamol.
If the patient will undergo pain management through surgery, there are several conditions in which the patient needs to be careful. These conditions include:
- Have blood clotting disorders.
- Taking blood thinning drugs.
- Have allergies to anesthesia (anesthesia).
Preparation of Pain Management
To determine the right type of pain management to relieve and cure pain, the patient will first undergo a diagnosis process so that the cause of the pain can be correctly identified. The doctor will ask the patient for pain symptoms, along with a general history and health condition. The medical history to be asked includes a history of medical procedures that have been carried out, especially surgical procedures. Doctors will also recommend that patients undergo additional tests, such as:
- Blood test
- X-rays
- CT scan
- Ultrasound
- Electromyography (EMG)
Once the cause and source of pain is known, the doctor will determine a pain management procedure that is appropriate for the patient's condition.
Pain Management Procedure
The pain management done can vary from person to person, depending on the cause of the pain. Therefore, the diagnosis and examination of the causes of pain in patients is very important so that pain management can be carried out effectively. Some common pain management techniques are:
- Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE). This is a method for relieving pain in a simple way, and can be done by a patient at home alone. The doctor will recommend the patient to rest, compress the area that feels pain, and position the body part higher, to relieve pain that is temporary. The RICE method is often used to relieve pain in muscles and joints, and is often combined with the administration of pain relievers.
- Drugs. The use of painkillers is the most common method for controlling pain. There are pain relieving drugs that can be purchased freely and some must use a doctor's prescription. Some types of medicines that can be given to patients to treat pain are:
- Analgesics, for example paracetamol, aspirin, and ibuprofen.
- Anticonvulsants, for example carbamazepine and gabapentin.
- Antidepressants, for example amitriptyline.
- Antimigrain, for example sumatriptan.
- Opioids, for example oxycodone, fentanyl, and tramadol.
- Physiotherapy. This therapy can be in the form of heat therapy, cold therapy, massage, or physical exercise.
- Surgery. Surgery can be done as a method for relieving pain in patients, although not all forms of pain need to be treated with this method. Some surgical methods for relieving pain include:
- Nerve inhibitors, which are surgical pain management methods by breaking the flow of nerve impulses from the site of pain to the brain.
- Spinal surgery, which is a special pain management method in the spine. This operation can aim to stabilize the vertebrae or reduce the pressure that causes pain in the nerve.
- Dorsal root entry zone operation (DREZ), which is a surgical method to relieve pain by destroying tissue or nerve fibers that cause pain in patients.
- Electrical stimulation, which is a surgical method to relieve pain by stimulating nerve fibers using electricity.
- Counseling. Counseling can help patients to deal with pain better, and usually acts as an additional pain management method in addition to medication or surgery. Counseling can also help doctors to find out the psychological changes of patients caused by the pain.
- Acupuncture. Acupuncture is done by sticking needles into certain areas of the body to relieve pain. Although still controversial, acupuncture is quite popular as a treatment method for pain relief.
Simple nociceptive pain, such as bruising or bruising, does not require complicated treatment and can be relieved by itself or only with simple treatment. However, complex nociceptive pain, such as due to arthritis, needs to be treated so as not to get worse, by overcoming the cause and doing pain management. Neuropathic pain also needs to be treated because it can get worse and interfere with the quality of life of the sufferer. Neuropathic pain that is not treated properly can cause various complications, including disability and depression.
Risk of Pain Management
Each type of pain management method has different risks and side effects. However, to note is the risk of side effects from pain relief drugs. Among others are:
- Constipation
- Dizzy
- Nausea
- Itching on the skin
- Ringing ears
- Dry mouth
Patients undergoing surgery can also experience complications due to surgery even though they are rare, such as:
- Infection
- Bleeding
- Blemish in the operating area
- Pain that does not subside
- The occurrence of blood clots
Pain Management and Important Things Inside
Reviewed by Hollisteristic
Wednesday, August 08, 2018