Causes and Effects of Premature Rupture - Causes and Effects of Premature Rupture. Amniotic fluid usually breaks when a pregnant woman begins to experience uterine contractions to give birth to the baby. However, there are times when premature rupture of membranes, which can lead to serious complications.

During pregnancy, the fetus in the womb is protected and surrounded by a membrane containing a fluid called the amniotic sac. A few moments before the fetus or baby is born, the amniotic sac will rupture and a liquid called amniotic fluid will come out through the vagina. Generally within 24 hours after the amniotic sac breaks, the baby will be born. However, if after that time the baby is not born, or the membranes rupture before the age of the womb is 37 weeks old, then the condition is said to be premature rupture of membranes.

Causes and Effects of Premature Rupture
Causes and Effects of Premature Rupture
Causes of Premature rupture of membranes

Premature rupture of membranes usually causes premature labor or the baby is forced to be born prematurely. Early rupture of amniotic fluid can be more risky if there are several things like the following:
  • Infections of the uterus, amniotic sac, cervix, or vagina. This is a common trigger for premature rupture of membranes.
  • Physical injury, for example due to a motor vehicle accident or a fall.
  • The uterus and the amniotic sac are too stretched. This is caused by the number of fetuses in the womb more than one or too much amniotic fluid volume.
  • Smoking or using drugs during pregnancy.
  • Underwent surgery or biopsy of the cervix.
  • Have experienced premature rupture of membranes in a previous pregnancy.
  • Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy.
  • Placental abnormalities.
  • Abnormal fetal position in the uterus.
  • Body mass index of pregnant women
  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure.

Premature rupture of membranes

Premature rupture of membranes can be considered as serious because it can lead to:
  • When the membranes rupture, the bacteria can migrate into the amniotic sac to cause infection in the uterus. Symptoms include rising body temperature, unusual vaginal discharge, bad smelling vagina, rapid pulse, pain in the lower abdomen, and fetal heart rate to be faster than usual. This condition can cause sepsis in dangerous infants.
  • Babies born prematurely.
  • Increases the risk of placental retention (some or all of the placenta left in the uterus). This condition will cause postpartum hemorrhage, namely vaginal bleeding within 24 hours to six weeks after giving birth.
  • Too little amniotic fluid volume (oligohydramnios), if premature rupture of membranes occurs in young pregnancy. When amniotic fluid disappears, the umbilical cord can be pinched between the fetus and the uterine wall. As a result, the fetus can experience brain injury or even death.

If the membranes rupture before 23 weeks of gestation, the fetal lungs may not develop properly and cause the fetus to not survive. If the fetus survives, it is likely to experience physical and mental disability when born. Babies are also at risk for several problems, such as chronic lung disease, hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, and developmental disorders.
  • Placental abruption, which is the removal of part or all of the placenta from the uterine wall before labor occurs.
  • The fetal umbilical cord is broken.

If you are suspicious or feel premature rupture of the amniotic fluid, immediately go to the hospital to get treatment from an obstetrician. Amniotic fluid can be identified by its clear color or white spots, accompanied by blood or mucus, and odorless.
Causes and Effects of Premature Rupture Causes and Effects of Premature Rupture Reviewed by Hollisteristic on Wednesday, August 22, 2018 Rating: 5
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