Recognize Symptoms And How To Overcome Air Allergies

Roseous.comRecognize Symptoms And How To Overcome Air AllergiesAir allergies are usually characterized by skin reactions after exposure to air with a certain temperature or low-quality air. Symptoms that arise in the form of reddish skin, itchy, swollen, and appear bentol.

Small reddish lumps or bumps in the skin can be an allergic reaction to certain substances, such as latex and detergent. But sometimes, the lump can also appear due to exposure to hot, cold, or polluted air.

Recognize Symptoms And How To Overcome Air Allergies

Air allergy is interpreted as an immune reaction that comes after exposure to air with a certain temperature or low-quality air. Allergic reactions that appear can be just an itch, but can also be a life-threatening reaction.

The allergic reaction to hot air is called cholinergic urticaria, whereas the reaction to cold is known as cold urticaria. The reaction caused to each person can vary. There are only mild symptoms show, there is also a very sensitive until the blood pressure changes to shortness of breath and fainting. This reaction is called anaphylactic shock.

Symptoms of Air Allergies

Symptoms of airborne allergy appear when the skin is exposed to changes in air temperature either hot or cold. In addition, the temperature of water and wind can also cause symptoms.

Allergies hot air

In hot air allergies, the skin reacts to heat or sweat when the body temperature increases. Besides being caused by hot air, allergies can also arise after exercise, hot shower, wear tight clothes, and when sweating due to stress or nervousness.

Hot allergy symptoms are:
  • The skin feels itchy and warm.
  • A small red bump appears with a red circle around the bump. Bumps can appear on the face, back, chest, and arms. The lump can appear in close proximity to make it look like a swelling. The above symptoms may also be accompanied by other symptoms, such as headache, shortness of breath, low blood pressure, abdominal cramps, and irregular heartbeat in case of more severe reactions.

Allergy cold air
The symptoms of cold air allergy are not much different from hot air allergy that is:
  • Skin redness, feel warm, and itchy on the skin area.
  • Parts of the body that are in direct contact with air or cold objects will swell. For example, the hands swell after touching the ice and the lips swell after drinking cold water.

Extreme symptoms can lead to fainting, palpitations, and swelling of the limbs. Swelling is most dangerous when it occurs on the tongue and throat, as it can cause breathing difficulties. Symptoms usually appear within minutes of exposure and may last for 1-2 hours.

Allergies dirty air (polluting)

Exposure to dirty air (pollution) causes the body some people produce substances trigger allergic reactions, as a form of defense of the body to fight the substance. In dirty air allergies, body reactions are more common in respiratory organs than skin.

Smoke disposal of factories, motor vehicles, and forest burns are the main sources of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and pollution (PM) particles that are harmful to breathing. Exposure to nitrogen dioxide increases the risk of asthma and allergy attacks, especially for people who already have asthma. Research shows that risks are increasing if the residence is close to a busy highway.

The risk of dirty air allergy not only happens outside the home, but also inside the house by becoming a passive smoker. Cigarette smoke is the most dangerous source of pollution that can increase the risk of allergies and asthma. The impact of air pollution was much felt by infants and children. Symptoms include sneezing, aqueous nose, and frequent cold cough.

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How To Overcome Air Allergies

Allergies are an immune response to a foreign body. In air allergies, certain air temperatures become the trigger factor because the body overreacts to changes in temperature. The best handling for allergies is by taking precautions.
  • Prevents cold air allergy
    • Protect skin from sudden temperature changes. For example before swimming try first dip the hands or feet into the pond, then wait for the skin reaction for a while.
    • Avoid cold foods and drinks to prevent swelling of the tongue and throat.
    • Consumption of antihistamines before exposure to cold, or medications that have been prescribed allergy doctor.
  • Prevents hot air allergies
    • If symptoms occur after a move or exercise, wet your skin with a water-soaked cloth or try a cool shower.
    • If stress becomes the trigger for allergies, manage stress and find ways to calm down.
    • Wear loose clothing so it is not easy to overheat.
  • Preventing dirty air allergies (polluting)
    • Using a protective mask is one of the efforts to prevent dirty air allergies. There are two types of masks that can be used, namely N95 mask and ordinary mask (surgical mask).
    • Sometimes air pollution can not be avoided, as in the case of forest fires. In addition to airborne allergies, smog from forest fires can cause eye irritation and respiratory tract infections. In these circumstances, it is advisable to switch locations to areas where there is no disaster or cleaner air, until the symptoms subside.

No drug can completely eliminate airborne allergies, but avoiding trigger factors, creating a clean environment, and taking anti-allergic drugs such as antihistamines, can prevent and overcome the symptoms that arise. If symptoms persist and interfere with daily activities, consult a doctor immediately.
Recognize Symptoms And How To Overcome Air Allergies Recognize Symptoms And How To Overcome Air Allergies Reviewed by Hollisteristic on Monday, July 09, 2018 Rating: 5
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