Be Careful, 7 Fish It Can Not Be Consumed Pregnant Mom!

Roseous.comBe Careful, 7 Fish It Can Not Be Consumed Pregnant Mom!When you hear the word fish, you certainly agree if the fish is a healthy food, yes? Even the campaign to eat fish, lately increasingly aggressively encouraged and has started to get a lot of public attention.

Yes, fish is one of the most popular animal-protein foods and is recommended. Not only because it is easy to get in Indonesia, which is an archipelago country, but also because of its incredible nutritional and benefits for the body.

 Shark Mackerel king fish Tilefish Swordfish Marlin fish The fish is orange roughy, and Bigeye tuna The seven types of fish above is a fish whose mercury content is high because it belongs to predatory fish that often prey on other fish.  Small predatored fish, which also contain mercury, will make the mercury content accumulate and become high in the 7 species of fish above.  In addition to the above 7 types of fish, some types of fish called moderate mercury contained and is quite often consumed is salmon, cod, and tilapia.  doconsehat-salmon photo credit: In Indonesia alone, fish with mercury content being included is quite often consumed because it is easy to obtain. For that pregnant women should begin to limit fish intake with mercury content that is classified as moderate to high, yes.  Types of good fish consumed by pregnant women Some types of fish that are prohibited above does not mean to prevent the consumption of pregnant women to eat fish. Various health associations outside and within the country still recommend fish as a source of daily protein.  Pregnant women should eat as many as 3-4 servings of fish in a week and in the type of bervarasi.  doconsehat-salmon pic credit: jules Some good types of pregnant women consumed because of the high content of omega 3 and proteinnnya, are: tuna other than type bigeye tuna, sardines, mackerel than king mackerel, herring, anchovy, and tuna.  Well, now you already know, what kind of fish that may and should not be consumed by pregnant women, is not it?

However, did you know that there are some types of fish that are forbidden for pregnant women?

Most of the fish, containing solid nutrients, namely animal protein, vitamins, minerals, until omega 3. Fish also has low saturated fat content so it does not increase cholesterol, as long as processed with low-fat cooking method.

The superiority of these fish is very good for pregnant women, but some types of fish contain substances that are harmful to the health of mothers and fetal growth during pregnancy.

Content of fish that is harmful to pregnant women

The harmful substances contained in fish are mercury substances. According to American Pregnancy, mercury is an element of water in large numbers, such as oceans or lakes.

Mercury, or so-called methylmercury if found in water and in the fish body, is a neurotoxin substance or can poison the nervous system.

The content of this mercury although relatively small in fish, but still harmful to the body.

If continuous consumption, fish containing mercury, especially those with high mercury bersudngan class, will poison the nervous system and brain of pregnant women and disrupt the process of growing fetal brain growth.

So, what are the fish that contain lots of mercury?

The Food Drug Administration issues a list of fish containing a lot of mercury and should be avoided by excessive consumption:
  1. Shark
  2. Mackerel king fish
  3. Tilefish
  4. Swordfish
  5. Marlin fish
  6. The fish is orange roughy, and
  7. Bigeye tuna

The seven types of fish above is a fish whose mercury content is high because it belongs to predatory fish that often prey on other fish.

Small predatored fish, which also contain mercury, will make the mercury content accumulate and become high in the 7 species of fish above.

In addition to the above 7 types of fish, some types of fish called moderate mercury contained and is quite often consumed is salmon, cod, and tilapia.

In Indonesia alone, fish with mercury content being included is quite often consumed because it is easy to obtain. For that pregnant women should begin to limit fish intake with mercury content that is classified as moderate to high, yes.

Types of good fish consumed by pregnant women

Some types of fish that are prohibited above does not mean to prevent the consumption of pregnant women to eat fish. Various health associations outside and within the country still recommend fish as a source of daily protein.

Pregnant women should eat as many as 3-4 servings of fish in a week and in the type of bervarasi.

Read more: Is Allergy When Pregnant Can Endanger Baby?

Some good types of pregnant women consumed because of the high content of omega 3 and proteinnnya, are: tuna other than type bigeye tuna, sardines, mackerel than king mackerel, herring, anchovy, and tuna.

Well, now you already know, what kind of fish that may and should not be consumed by pregnant women, is not it?
Be Careful, 7 Fish It Can Not Be Consumed Pregnant Mom! Be Careful, 7 Fish It Can Not Be Consumed Pregnant Mom! Reviewed by Hollisteristic on Sunday, July 01, 2018 Rating: 5
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