Sleep Duration Affects the Risk of Dementia and Early Death

Roseous.comSleep Duration Affects the Risk of Dementia and Early Death. Have you had enough sleep? If yes, then you need not worry. But if not, be careful. According to a study, the duration of sleep is less or too long can increase the risk of dementia and premature death.

 Sleep Duration Affects the Risk of Dementia and Early Death

Reported by Newsweek, research conducted by experts at Kyushu University, Japan, managed to find an association between the duration of sleep with the risk of dementia and premature death.

Participants were asked to report how long they slept, and were categorized into five groups. Those who slept less than 5 hours, 5-6.9 hours, 7-7.9 hours, 8-9.9 hours, and more than 10 hours.

Their study involved 1,517 elderly people without dementia. The result? Of the total participants who have been assessed since 2002, 294 people are at risk of dementia and 282 die young.

Research on sleep duration

Of these studies, the risk of dementia and premature death was significantly greater in those who slept less than 5 hours or more than 10 hours. Unlike those who sleep between 5 to 6.9 hours.

Not only that. Participants who took sleeping pills, regardless of how long they slept, had a higher risk of death or dementia than those who slept between 5 and 6.9 hours.

According to researchers, the risk of dementia may be lower in people who are physically active. Furthermore, they conclude that the benefits of physical activity for sleeping at night are making it more sound.

Basically, lack of sleep or sleep too long is not good for the body. Reported by WebMD, there are a number of health problems that can occur if you frequent excessive sleep, such as diabetes, obesity, headaches, back pain, depression, and heart disease.

If you experience excessive sleep due to the substance of alcohol or certain prescription drugs, reducing or even stopping the use of these substances may be helpful (of course with doctor's advice).

But if you sleep excessively because of underlying medical conditions, treating the disease first can help you get back to normal sleeping habits.

Meanwhile, the impact of lack of sleep, among others, makes you vulnerable to accidents, easier emotions, and difficult concentration. If you experience sleep deprivation in the long run, the effect will be worse starting from obesity, diabetes, even death.

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What if you sleep less because it is difficult to sleep? You can do many things besides taking sleeping pills. Based on the suggestion dr. Alberta Jesslyn Gunardi, see tips below:
  • Do not hold the phone, watch TV, or the like in bed.
  • Get rid of caffeine-containing drinks during the afternoon until the evening.
  • Familiarize yourself to exercise regularly
  • Dampen the condition of the room while going to bed.
  • Avoid using sleeping pills, especially without doctor's advice.
  • Relaxation, such as with meditation, yoga, or using aromatherapy.
  • If you have psychological problems, do not hesitate to see an expert to be treated.

Understand and follow the proper sleep duration for the health of your body. Do not let health problems such as dementia until early deaths approach. And if you experience sleep disorders for a long time, you should consult your doctor for proper treatment.
Sleep Duration Affects the Risk of Dementia and Early Death  Sleep Duration Affects the Risk of Dementia and Early Death Reviewed by Hollisteristic on Sunday, June 24, 2018 Rating: 5
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