- Know the Human Muscle System and Its Each Function For Body. The body is assisted by the muscular system to perform its task. Not only to help us flicker, walk, lift things, or chew, but also to aid digestion to help the heart's work drain blood. To get to know the human muscle system, consider the following reviews.
Know how the human muscles work
The human muscle system is made up of over 600 muscles. Muscles are formed from special cells called muscle fibers. Muscles attach to bones or internal organs and blood vessels. Each type of muscle has a particular function, which mainly is creating motion.
The muscles move by shortening the length, pulling the tendons, and moving the bones closer to each other. Tendons are strong elastic bands of connective tissue that bind muscles to bone.
Yes. The combination of contractions of joints, bones, and skeletal muscles produces clear movements such as walking and running. Almost all body movement is the result of muscle contraction, except for sperm cell movement, white blood cells, and ciliary movement in the airways.
In addition to movement, muscle contraction also helps regulate posture, joint stability, and body heat production.
Human muscle system by type
Human muscle can be divided into three different groups of smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, and heart muscle. All of these muscles can tighten and stretch, but have different functions.
Smooth muscle
Plain muscle is found in the walls of internal organs such as blood vessels, digestive tract, bladder, and uterus. The plain muscle is controlled by the subconscious of the brain, so its work can not be controlled directly with the conscious mind. You are not even aware of the work of smooth muscle in the body.
The smooth muscle cells are spindle and have one nucleus of cells in the center. The smooth muscle contracts slowly and rhythmically.
Cardiac muscle
As the name suggests, these muscles are found only in the heart. The heart muscle is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.
The heart muscle also can not be consciously controlled, so this is also called the unconscious muscle. While hormones and signals from the brain adjust the rate of contraction, cardiac muscle cells stimulate the heart to contract.
The heart muscle cells have bright and dark streaks called lurik. The arrangement of protein fibers inside the cells causes these bright and dark bands. The cylindrical heart muscle cells extend, with a single nucleus of cells in the middle.
Skeletal muscle
Skeletal muscle is the only voluntary muscle tissue in the human body, because it can be consciously controlled. Any physical movement that a person performs consciously like talking, walking, or writing requires skeletal muscle work.
The function of skeletal muscle is to contract to move parts of the body closer to the bone attached to the muscle. Most of the skeletal muscle is attached to two bones along the joint, so the muscles function to move the bone parts closer to each other.
Skeletal muscle cells are the same as heart muscle cells that have lurik. However, skeletal muscle cells are cylindrical in shape and have numerous cell nuclei in each fiber.
The function of the human muscle system
Each type of human muscle has its own function. Here are some functions of the human muscle system.
Do body movement
Skeletal muscle is responsible for your movement. Skeletal muscle is attached to your bones and is partially controlled by the central nervous system (CNS).
You use skeletal muscles whenever you move. Muscles follow the direction of movement you want, together with bones and tendons.
Helps in the circulation of human blood
Unwanted heart muscle and smooth muscle help your heart rate and blood flow throughout your body by generating electrical impulses. Cardiac muscle is found in the heart wall. It is controlled by the autonomic nervous system that is responsible for most of the body's functions.
Your blood vessels consist of smooth muscle, and are also controlled by the autonomic nervous system.
The diaphragm is the major muscle that works during breathing. As you breathe heavier, like when you're exercising, the diaphragm needs help from other muscles, such as the abdominal muscles, neck muscles, and back muscles.
The process of digestion
Digestion is controlled by the smooth muscles found in your digestive tract. Your innocent muscle relaxes and tightens as food passes through your body during digestion. These muscles also help push food out of your body through defecation, or vomiting when you are sick.
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Plain muscle is also found in the uterus. During pregnancy, these muscles grow and stretch as the baby grows. During childbirth, the smooth muscle in the uterus contracts and relaxes to help push the baby through the vagina.
Know the Human Muscle System and Its Each Function For Body
Reviewed by Hollisteristic
Saturday, June 16, 2018