- The Unexpected Dangers of Playing Cell Phone While Walking. Mobile phones have become one of the tools that some human beings can not let go of. The problem is, we get used to playing it in times that are not exactly like when walking or driving.
Reporting from Today, health experts try to find out what is happening to our brains while walking while playing mobile phones. This study was conducted because according to Governors Highway Safety Association, about 6 thousand pedestrians were killed in the United States in 2017 and according to the police, this is related to the habit of playing mobile phones on foot.
Some pedestrians were asked by Jeff Rossen to perform some simple tasks while on foot while playing mobile. The result is that these participants tend to walk in a diagonal direction on the zebra cross, rather than straight. In fact, there are pedestrians who almost hit a rock or slip on the sidewalk. Most of these participants did not actually look to the right and to the left as they crossed the street.
In one study, it was mentioned that 60 percent of people who walk while playing a cell phone can not walk straight. David Putrino, a neuroscience expert from the Mount Sinai Health System also checked brain activity on pedestrians who play with mobile phones. The result is that the brain is overloaded and can not function properly while performing these two activities simultaneously.
Many people think if humans can do multitasking or do several things at once in the same time. In fact, according to Putrino, humans can only alternate the focus among several tasks quickly. This means, if we walk on the phone, we do not really focus on our steps and make us more vulnerable to accidents.
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Healthy Buddy never walk or drive while playing mobile right?
The Unexpected Dangers of Playing Cell Phone While Walking
Reviewed by Hollisteristic
Sunday, April 15, 2018