Heroes Debate

The class will be split up into two groups. One will try to defend that Heroes are born, and the other group will defend that Heroes are made over time.

To do this, once your team moves to your designated side of the room, you will prepare an opening statement, 3-5 questions to ask the other team and a closing statement.

You will be awarded a point for winning the opening statement, having or answering good questions, and lastly for your closing statement.

Your opening statement must outline why you think your side should win. You will have 5 minutes to prepare this.

Then, you will be given ten minutes and split up into two groups. One group will plan the questions to ask the other team. The other group will try to plan what questions they will be asked and prepare to answer them.

We will then go through the opening statement presentation, award the winning team a point, and then ask the questions.

Your questions will be asked to the other team without them having any time to prepare to answer.

After questions, you will get five more minutes to prepare your closing statement, and then we will present closing statements and finish our debate.

Make sure you are INVOLVED and HELPING your team!
Heroes Debate Heroes Debate Reviewed by Hollisteristic on Wednesday, January 18, 2017 Rating: 5
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