Honors: Required to memorize a poem, either from the anthology or 20-25 lines long. If you would like to compete in the Poetry Out Loud National Competition, poem must be from the anthology list.
MINIMUM for a poem from the Anthology is 16 lines - this was discussed in class.
MINIMUM for a poem from the Anthology is 16 lines - this was discussed in class.
Academic: Poem does not have to be from anthology. Poem must be approved by Teacher and must be a minimum of 10 lines. Presentation does not have to be completely memorized. If you would like to compete in the Poetry Out Loud National Competition, poem must be from the anthology list and be completely memorized.
Optional Summative: Be nominated to go to Poetry Out Loud School competition by your teacher. If you are not nominated and would still like the 25pt summative, you must preform a poem from the anthology in front of another 9th grade class or at a public place, for example, your local coffee shop. This presentation must be recorded and shown to me for proof and grading. This must be completed by 11/17. Optional Summative may not be presented in Rock Block.
Important Dates:
- Choose a poem to memorize on 10/13 (A) and 10/16 (B)
- Rehearse your memorized poem in class in small groups on 10/24 (A) and 10/25 (B)
- Preform poem in class (Required Summative) on 10/30(A) and 10/31(B)
- Rock Ridge Poetry Outloud Competition on November 9th.
- Deadline for Public Performance Optional Summative - 11/17
Skinny Block and 0 Block will be following the A day dates.
- Deadline for Public Performance Optional Summative - 11/17
Skinny Block and 0 Block will be following the A day dates.
How you will be Graded:
Poetry Out Loud
Reviewed by Hollisteristic
Monday, November 21, 2016