- Click in the link above.
- Enter your email and password (remember, I told you to use your personal email, so if you are unable to log in, go back and look at where you wrote down your log in info, if you lost it try to reset your password).
- Once logged in, click the class block you are in.
- Find the assignment you are submitting and click the blue 'submit' button.
- Upload your file. You can click the small blue down-arrow next to where it says 'Single File Upload' at the top to switch between a single file upload and copy and paste.
- Enter your submission title then click 'Upload' at the bottom of the page.
- Follow any other steps it then asks of you to complete your submission.
We have gone over this in class multiple times and you have all successfully logged in. Your first polished papers MUST be uploaded to Turnitin.com to be graded. Otherwise they stay at a 0 in the gradebook, no exceptions.
Review on TurnItIn Submission
Reviewed by Hollisteristic
Tuesday, October 11, 2016