10/26 Peer Editing Day

Today you will follow these instructions:

- Pick up your computer from the cart when instructed.
- Pull up your PWP#2 either through TurnItIn, GoogleDocs, a printed version, or where ever you have it saved.
- You will trade your paper with 4 people and fill out the Peer Editing Checklist that has been handed out to you.
- Once you have completed this, you will turn your paper in to Mrs. Whittington.
- Use your computers to make the changed required on your PWP.

If you have extra time you may:

- Research pictures for your Archetypes poster.
- Continue writing or changing your PWP#2.
- Study Vocab list #3 (below on the blog)
- Finish reading Most Dangerous Game, under the Scanned Class Documents tab.
- Prep for SAT's with this silly Vocabulary Game - SAT Bubble Game

When there is 10 minutes left in class:  

- Log off your computer and close it.
- Place it back on the cart from the number slot you got it from (number shown on the top of the laptop)
- Plug in the black charging cord and push that side of the laptop in first.
10/26 Peer Editing Day 10/26 Peer Editing Day Reviewed by Hollisteristic on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 Rating: 5
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